out in the unknown
trip spotlight
The Peruvian floating islands is a surreal experience. Tribes that have lived on these man-made reed islands for thousands of years have welcomed us into their community. We spend a week island hopping, evangelizing and disciplining the growing church of new believers.
the secret sauce of every trip
We like to say that we advertise a mission trip and then plan a retreat. It’s a week to get away from our own world and be alone with our heavenly Father. Hear His voice, be His hands and feet to those with great need and encourage our team members so they can live greatly when they return home.
This is not the youtube experience, this is the actual experience. Feel the dirt road under your boots, see the faces of kids first hand, hear the sound of people celebrating fresh drinking water.
We aren’t filtering your experiencing, on a hot day your gonna sweat. We encourage you to meet the people, learn their names, let them in your hearts. We have!
Everybody brings something to the table. We are excited about the creative way God has gifted you and what sort of impact that will have in missions.
We find that God meets you in these unique places where finally gets your attention. It’s not the trip that changes you, it’s God that is transforming you. We just keep seeing it happen on trips.
live in the amazon
Sailing 500 miles down river gives you ample time for worship and that what 53 of us did our way to evangelize to new villages! Featuring Janie Evans Stewart